In the Hindu Religion,At the end of the pooja or rituals water from the vessel water is sprayed all around as a form of blessing
Holy water is also sprinkled in Church as a form of blessing
water has memory
Molecular Structure of water |
Today, many scholars admit that water is an amazing substance capable of efficient gathering of information from all things as soon as it comes in contact with them. The theoretical physicist Emilio del Giudice at the University of Milano, Italy, could explain together with cooperators that water has the ability to store information over long periods of time. Jacques Benveniste (1935 - 2004), a French immunologist discovered that water holds a "memory", and is able to digitally record and then digitally re-write other water, even when the substance has been removed from it. |
Thoughts and words have unique magnetic code, which can interact with water; according to Dr Emoto.
Dr. Masaru Emoto very cleverly proved the power of thoughts and intention through his Water Crystal Experiment. In this experiment he proved that prayer, positive words and music had an impact on the structure of water crystals and gave them a more stable, geometric form. On the contrary, when the water was exposed to negative words, pictures or music, the form was distorted, irregular and lacking form. Bearing in mind, we are predominantly composed of water, the potential link between our thoughts and the impact on our bodies is clear to see. Seeing as we are all connected, our thoughts have the ability to affect everything and everyone around us on a subatomic level.
His experiments with water showed that the water reacts for our words and depending on what we say and what emotions accompany our words, it creates either beautiful and harmonious shapes or ugly and irregular ones. We learn from Dr. Emoto that water has a memory – a memory far longer than our transient lifetimes.
Dr.Emoto has photographs of polluted water, which at first look like mud. After a priest has chanted over this water, it is photographed again. This time, the water looks like a snowflake—the sound and intentionally has restored it to its natural pristine harmonious shape.
"Holy water has been scientifically determined to have a very stable/crystalline structure"